Sunday, May 8, 2011

JANGANla cenggini..x bestla..*nada merayu mnggedik

assalam..hish..within 2 days nie ..i rase cm noble gile..sbb da pnday bg salam..on the frst intro..
hehe..ok..second try..although u think..
gedik nye mnah nieyh..bkn fully speking..rojak j pown..
PASAI P..i skrg try improve skit2..bkan bole gedbak trus i can speking english well like hana tajima r maria elena in their vdeo rght..

stop nagging n BLABLABLA syamirah..
please ok??haha..ok3!!'s activities..
start with my mum start ngn adiah ary ibu dy kpada ku..screaming n try to wake me up..bcause my mom promise ktrg nak g tmpat lesen..*eeyuu..xtaw nak pggl ap..
n then..ngn muke mum drive car semaksimum mgkin..smpy2 at thre..yaallah..hanya tuhan yg tahu..ramai..erm..n my mum yg nak the best 4 her daughter start tnye2 org n all,that i ad teman nant..

tap at the end..x jadik..sbb pa..malu nak cte..only fatin wahida know the true story..
sbb tyme i tgah nak dftar konon..dy bg mesej..
..gud lak nyah..
so sweet..haha..ok3!!tu cte lawak n memalukan rini..beria dtg..pas2 @ the end bkan blaja pown..

balik dri tu..erm..ktrg brekfest..mkn roti my father rekemen..sdap gile roti canai tu..
my respons:omg..tgah lapar smue sdap kan??

balek from brekfest..we stopped by at kdai spec..
hehe..wat spec bru..bcos sblom nie spec lame i memg x nmpk da..sbb i jarang,the power lagi tggila...
hehe..mila cant wait until wednesday to see me with my new spec..wait ya..

ok..n then balek..activity tgah ary paling sweet..smue stu femilt tertdor kat ruang tamu..
sebab:xd sbb..sje gedik2 tdo smue..BHAHA

.................................start dri sini bru cte yg ad kene mgene ngan tajuk entry................................ usual..malam2 my hobby??eeyyuu..nie pown sbb da borink..onlinela..
haha..n then log in j fb,twitter n blog..*now im addicted on this 3 thing only..
try to go through all my friend status..ahh..damn..
awat korunk down..huk3!!smue tgok cm xd smgat nak further study j..mcm2la korunk nie..
hish..jgan down..ak dala x leyh tgok kwn2 ak down..huk3..
erm..dedicated to all my friend..x kire bru knal, da lame knal..musuh k..erm..slagik kte sbarkan bnde yg motivasi...its ok right..

whenever where u go,jauh k dkat..sejengkal ataw berbatu2 jauh nun..merentas laut bagai..
x ksahla..dy x effek pown..owh..kalo study x perform..maseh di takuk lame..its nothing kalo ko study tmpt grand2 pown..

serius..depend kt kte..jgn dok ikot sgt kte2 org yg hanya down kan kte..jgn x dgar trus..just amk iktibar..buktikan kat drg..kite bukan kite yg dulu..i mean..try to be btter person in future..

firman Allah pown ad mgatakan..
jadikan ary ini lbih baek dri smalam kan???jikalaw tdak..maka celakalah kamu..*btoikan kalo sy slap..

ha..kalo Allah snirik..pncpta kta da kata cm tu..what u x..smakin ary smakin down..sori..
bkna nak kate kt smue kwn2 sgelintir org yg sye lihat n sy rase sye pown kdg2 cm tu..

come onla..ok..bile da msuk u..r matrik..asasi or pape yg swaktu dgannye..try to study smart..

ni x..tgok komen kat fb..*spe yg trse..sori.. hard je...(contoh)aku pown ad gak kdg2 ckp cm 2..

start from now onward..joom nak..tuka style ucapan smngat kite.. hard to smart..ok kan??!!!smart pown smart..cun j..bunyik pown xdla mcm mnakutkan..
HARD=susah,bersgguh-sgguh..bunyik ngatif j mksud dy..
SMART=bijak..ha..bunyik positif right
ok..tgok pic..mne ag kiri k org knn..konfrm korunk kate org kann la bijak..bodohnye org kiri..lmbap..msty lambat siap..*tu kate sye.. kiri work kanan work smart..
kalo kite tgok..bole agak kan hasil kanan siap kiri x sure siap bile..
n org kanan kerja dy kemas n kiri mgkin byak senget n all that kan..
so..which u prefer..STUDY SMARTLA KAN???!!
ok..tgok..bukan ak yg ckp..gambar smber google images yg ckap..ha..renung2 kan..muhasabah diri..

to all my friend..this dedicated 4 u..
i cakap bukan makne i terer,cekang,wat pala k ap..
ak ckap gak sbga muhasbah diri snirik n naekkn motivasi diri..
ok..gud lak..ak hanye nak dgar cte korunk bjaye j nnt..janj erk..buktikan generasi kite bole bggekan malaysia..*dy da start over..haha..

conclusion..chaiyok3!!!bajet korea abes la nieyh..hehe..


  1. yeahhhhhh JLow.smangat membara2 !!!
    haha ait mmang tak sabaQ tngu rabu pon haha.

  2. bhaha..rabu2!!kuang3!!!
    ak pown smngat berbara bce balek..
    mcm bukan ak j yg tulis post entry nie..hehe


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