Friday, May 6, 2011

TAMAK nye kaw syamirah!!!ce mengucap skit!!!

first of all..thanks to god..
say alhamdulillah thank u allah 4 my mother...*iklan..
ibu..i love u so much..muah.. the gift 4 u..i try my best to write in bi 4 my blog.. present tu..
iklan2!!!hehe..just to win my mom's heart..start from now onward..since my mom wants her daughter to speak in english...
i mean writing also..never mind la if mang-lish so wat everla..
bhaha..first of want to share with u guys..
i just get offer from uitm in diploma quantity surveyer..

my feelings:im so xcited with out any reason..
that's my dream kot..haha..since i read one novel when i was form 3 if im not mistake..
just like the heroin..she's was a quantity surveyer..omjayyyy!!
start from that time..i start dream..i want to be like her...bhaha..
with iklan2 n the guys around her..start on winning her heart..i like!!!*stop dreaming you girl..
hehe..*sat penat ckap bi..awat ak ase mcm terabuq ja..pasai p..janj cuba kan..haha..ok..stop Syamirah..

let's get back to the point..since i get diploma..i called my parent..
ayah!!!mira got diploma course at uitm..qs..
oh..*what a good respons he gave to me..
erm..better go matrik la erk..ayah gave respons back after 5 minute silent mode conversation between me n my dad..
haha..erm..i replied..ok ayah..luv u..muah..*just add the two word after the frst word..haha..

ok..start decide to take matrik..erm..better study hard 4 1 year rather than take diploma..
memgla some of person take easy with matrik..
they hard kot..something like thatla..
but on my opinion..n nani mane2 pown just the same only..
it's depends on you yg nak study hard k x..
maybe every body wants to critic me or BLABALALA..pasai p..
haha..all i just want to do..with nani too..
study hard..yergh!!!one year only meh...
you can..ala..dulu..tyme skola..mgaji kui sapa sruh..
nie amek balek..go on hard..mana taw ad rezeki..g oversea erk..
GOOD GIRL!!!yargh..i know that's me..
you dun need to puji me la..haha..
ok..that's my next destination..
start a new life..hehe..with nani too..
byak my friend dpt situ..tap smue cm tolak je..hish..not good..haha..
just get pity with our others friend..yg x dpt mne2 tu..
sbb tula...kalo bole..memg ak nak grab due2..mnat kot..erm..but what can i do..
god just give one chance to choose..i mean govern..bhaha..
ok..just 4 iklan..this is nani..bday girl..haha..erm..we had make go on with matrik..
n we just plan to be roomate..yargh!!like smpai lebam ko nani...hehe..
erm..dyala..rakan interview utm ak..matrik sme..upu j laen..mgkin sbb x pakat skali..haha..sbb mnat ak ngan dy sme..

memg dulu kami nak g arkitekture..tap..lpas bncang2 balek..kami pikir..toughla plak arkitekture..ag2 bgunan..erm..nie pendapat kami..sbb ak ngan nani more to design..kami suke kaler2..tap bile dpt taw utm byak on building j..x pela..x jadila..haha..bgila org ag btter..kalo kami masuk pown..kami x taw dpt survive k x..dgr on pengalamn lectrer kat laki sng..dy kate this is the man's world..gatai nak masuk wat p..better you go engineering ag btter..teringat kembali perbualan ngeri ak ngn panel interview tu..
sgt menakotkan..kalah cte seram yg laris skrg..
yap!! ak ngan nani memg penakot.. punye..siap bukak job,we decide..kite go matrikla..
pas2 degree smbung either elektrikal..or civil..ikot marketing keje kat jobstreet..haha.. nani punye free call abes kat ak..smpay bateri kongla..bncang pasal tu..pasal nie..nak jmpe cena..haha..mcm2..bestla..bile best friend dpt skali matrik ngan kite..erm..tap nani..kite da tekad kan..nak wat lek it..da..x moe nanges2 ingat result spm yg lepas..KITE BAKOR JE!!!
haha..result kite pown sme kene kaw2 la ye..

btw..kat2 kwan2 laen yg smpt sggah kat blog merapu nie..congrate walo korunk dpt mane skali pown..a sntiase doakan korunk..hehe..asyah..amek..sori..kene prank tad..hehe..tula..spe sruh kasik ak chck..kan da kene tipu due2..

fatin sorunk best friend ak tercampak di kl..haha..xpa..ak ngan nani doakan kaw dri masjid matrik..bhaha..swit x..*kaw x abes2 komplen pasal ak tulis cte sal ang kat blog..pasaila..
ak syg ko..haha..nani jugak..hehe..

penat sgguh ari nie..patut ak amek upah spe yg sruh ak checkkan tad..dpt gak untung..haha..kla..
pnat nak tdoq..sok ad date ngan anak abu kassim kat i gate..dy nak ngadu mcm2 la tu..da..assalam..
SORI..cubaan utk fully writing english x berjaya..cube lagi..


  1. haha.yeah ur english is very gud u know.haha
    taniah2! smoga trus berjaya ! keep it up :)

  2. erm..tenkiu mila..
    u always supprt me..
    i also always pray 4 u.. lek lok aw..
    haha..xpa2..ak bole jge balak ak snirik da..
    dkat j..*walaopown dy dkat..


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